Vade's Moderator Application


In Game Name: Vade



Current rank on the server: Regular 


Total Time on Server: 2 Days 4 Hours

What Time do you usually get on?: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM

What Time-Zone do you live in? Pasific Standard

Have you ever been banned or kicked from the server?: No

What experience do you have with the ULX Admin Mod?: I dont know much but i know the concept of it

What experience do you have being staff on a DARKRP gamemode?: I have been staff on multiple servers. i have been admin on a few of the servers but mostly moderator or head moderator

What do you bring to the server and community that we are lacking right now?: I am a Chill Guy and will be strict but cool with the players i wanna help bring this community together and help the players out as much as i can. i am very mature at times when im needed to be. when i am not needed to be i will admit i can be immature at times but ill always stop when asked.

Thank You For Reading :D

-1 Being Rude To Me. He Laughed at My Videos I make on My Channel. He asked what My Channel Was I told Him, and in Teamspeak He just mutes me for no reason.

